Didn’t go to the HLTH conference? Don’t know why you should have been there? MDisrupt’s VP of Marketing Mona Schreiber shares her take on why it offers incredible opportunity for digital health CEOs.
You’re a digital health CEO, building a rockstar team, staying on top of industry trends, raising capital, and trying to keep the lights on. We get it. You’re busy!
MDisrupt was there. We’re also a startup in the digital health space and our CEO barely sleeps because she’s navigating the same challenges. Why did we take time out of our schedules to be there?
MDisrupt breaks it down for you:
See the latest trends
If you’re like us, you subscribe to several different newsletters/news sites to keep up on the latest trends, but never have time to read anything beyond the same two or three headlines you see pop up in your social media feeds. The HLTH conference is a three-day immersion in all the trends in digital health, the perspectives of the various healthcare stakeholders, what the future holds, and how not to be left behind. It’s like a “bootcamp into the healthcare of the future.” You can leave here more informed than if you sat down and read every single article that came out. And… it’s so much more fun this way!
Network with other entrepreneurs
Ever ask the question – how did my peer/ Entrepreneur X solve that problem? At HLTH, you can ask them! This conference is full of founders who have walked the path before you and advisors who are ready to help others. You’re not alone. You’ll be able to meet hundreds of other digital health companies disrupting the healthcare space, all at one venue. No more googling leading you down a rathole. Meet the amazing minds behind each innovation, in person.
Meet the investors
Flying around the country to meet with individual investors isn’t the most ideal way to fundraise – especially in the middle of a pandemic. This year’s HLTH had something unusual about it that we had never seen before. The digital health space is so hot right now that investors set up booths in the exhibit hall. In fact, there were 70+ investment partners in attendance. And they partied hard – every night the bar at the Omni was overtaken by our investor friends. No more waiting for warm intros – HLTH was the place to be if you wanted to meet investors in a more casual setting. For now, it’s a founders market.
Bolster your team
The team you build is the essence of your company, particularly in complex spaces like healthcare. You need to hire amazing talent and fast – the story of every startup. What if there was a place you could go to meet these people without hiring someone to scour LinkedIn all day? Meet them all in one place. Even better, meet connectors – like MDisrupt – who can help you find the expertise you’re looking for, quickly and on demand.
Get inspired!
It’s been a year. You and your team have accomplished so much, but you’re mentally and emotionally exhausted. There’s only so far coffee can go. What if you could meet the patients whose lives you were changing with your innovation? Bet that would get your emotional mojo going.
This conference oozes creativity in solving healthcare challenges. Our team came back with more energy and ideas after meeting and exchanging ideas with the most passionate minds in healthcare. Be there! Feel the energy. Reset. Crush it!
You missed the conference, so what now?
Step 1: Sign up for a free 30-minute consultation to discuss a project you’re working on – we have over 250 health experts who can help you tackle your challenge.
Step 2: Follow us on Linkedin and Twitter.
See you there next year!
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At MDisrupt, we believe that the most impactful health products should make it market quickly. We connect digital health innovators to the healthcare industry experts and scientists they need to responsibly accelerate product development, commercialization, adoption, and scale.
Our experts span the healthcare continuum and can assist with all stages of health product development: This includes regulatory, clinical studies and evidence generation, payor strategies, commercialization, and channel strategies. If you are building a health product, talk to us.